miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018

My Personal Profile

 My name is Kiril My surname is rumenov ivanov . 
I am fiftteen years old.
My birthday is on  thirteen  of April.
I live in castelló de farfaña.
My address flat nr 2-3 in dula street.
My neighbours are Fermin and Antonia.
I attend Almatar school.
I like mats and physical education.
These are my favorite subjects i like school because is beri funy.
I like liseng miusic, i like play football and play smarphone.
These is my hobbies.
I don't like socials, naturals saiences
I have got trhee sisters
I have got a berd it's my peat
I like english very much, because it's bery interesanty
I promise to do my best during english lessons

Nice to meet you, teacher i like yours lessons wicht you


1 comentario:

vocabulary 4

appearance- apariencia bang- explosión beat- golpear bitter- amargo colorful- vistoso flavour- sabor gorgenous- gorgeoso patten- zuec...