miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018


1-Anna play/in the park.
+Anna played in the park.
-Anna didn't play in the park.
¿Did Anna play in the park? yes, she did/ no, she didn't

2. they/drive/ a blue car.
+they drove a blue car.
-they didn't drive a blue car.
¿Did they drive a blue car? yes, they did/ no, they didn't

3 My brother/ see / a celebrity in Barcelona.
+my brother saw a celebrity in Barcelona.
-my brother didn't see a celebraty in Barcelona.
¿Did my breother see a celebry in Barcelona?

4. We/listen/to music last week.
 +We lisent to music last week.
 -We didn't lisent music last week.
 ¿Did we lisent music last week?

vocabulary 4

appearance- apariencia bang- explosión beat- golpear bitter- amargo colorful- vistoso flavour- sabor gorgenous- gorgeoso patten- zuec...