jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2019

Word Order-Exercise 4

He always drives his car out of the garage at nine o'ocloc in the morning.

He often takes mis Hodges to town after breckfast.

They rarely find a parking place near the shops.

Mr. Hodges sometimes parks his car in a garage.

I sometimes fly with my parents to florida in winter.
She often come to sclool late in sping last year.
They often have a cup of tea at the hotel abaut 3 o'clock in the afternoom.
she always enjois swimming very much in our pool in the morning.
He could hardly ski last year


He is Didac leon:

He from Ferial

He's birthday is on 7 setember 2003
He have 16 eyers old.
He have two siblings.

He number shoes is 41.

He am 1'63 am tall.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019


welcome to my blog here we will hang things that we will do in class.

I am from Castelló de Farfanya.
My birthday is on 13 April 2003.
I'm 16 eyers old.
I have four siblings.
My number shoes is 44.
I am 1'87 am tall.

vocabulary 4

appearance- apariencia bang- explosión beat- golpear bitter- amargo colorful- vistoso flavour- sabor gorgenous- gorgeoso patten- zuec...